『BIGBIG WON 荒野行動 pubg mobile codモバイル 伸縮式ゲームパッド 連続射撃 一体式 クリック感 ジョイスティック 射撃ボタン iPhone/Android対応』はセカイモンでから出品され、40の入札を集めて11月10日 21時 43分に、2,316円で落札されました。即決価格は2,316円でした。決済方法はに対応。東京都からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
BIGBIG WON 荒野行動 pubg mobile codモバイル 伸縮式ゲームパッド 連続射撃 一体式 クリック感 ジョイスティック 射撃ボタン iPhone/Android対応【0 Delay】The combination of copper silver alloy wire and conductive medium is used to effectively reduce environmental magnetic field interference and provide game level control.
【Kailh Micro Switch】The switch has a faster response time so you can shoot quickly and kill quickly. You wont get tired with it. The Big Won lab has enlarged the button area, adjusted the pressure angle, adapted the zinc alloy keys and the ergonomics use optimise the long-term gaming environment. After many tests and adjustments, it finally presented the players the best solution. Improve common problems such as sweating, slipping, poor heat dissipation and grip fatigue.
【Plug and play】compatible with Android and iOS. Integrated design, easy to install and carry. The Mechager Plus takes over the integrated clamp design and is equipped with two buttons. It can clamp the device with a thickness of 6 mm to 11.4 mm. It is suitable for common iOS/Android devices and easy to use.
【Ergonomic design】keys made of zinc alloy, ergonomic design, so you dont get tired. The BIGBIG WON lab enlarged the key area, adjust the pressure angle, adjust the zinc alloy keys and ergonomics used to optimise the long-term gaming environment. After many tests and adjustments, it finally presented the players the best solution. Improve common problems such as sweating, slipping, poor heat dissipation and grip fatigue.
【MECHA】The slotted design can be compatible with the tempered glass screen protector, thickened shell, etc. Also prevents the side buttons from being accidentally touched and the side frame scratched. The design of the MECHA series is a tribute to many classic works. It was born with the properties of metal, deformation and Robot 3 in one. Inherit the classics and open the future.
speed mao フラワー 花束 ラッピング バッグ 三角 250枚 セット 透明
¥ 1775
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¥ 1822
Wera 1850 PH 2 x 150 mm 黒/赤 ボールグリッププラスドライバー 05343803001
¥ 1790
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¥ 2367
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¥ 1642
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¥ 2059
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¥ 1574
NA-27 ナピュア アルミスタンドミラー(L)
¥ 1670
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¥ 1931
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¥ 1740
¥ 2175
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¥ 1936
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¥ 2414
40 入札履歴